ECE 590: Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing — Fall 2018

Class meeting time and location: TTh 3:05–4:20, Hudson Hall 212

Superheroes Wearables

Instructor: Dr. Rabih Younes
Duke e-mail: rabih.younes
Office: Hudson Hall 204
Office phone: 660-5051
Office hours: TTh 1:30–2:45, or by appointment

Course Description

This course covers the fundamentals of wearable and ubiquitous computing, discusses pertinent research and current challenges in the field, and prepares students to design, implement, and evaluate wearable computing systems. Topics covered include challenges in system-level low-power design, input/output devices, networking, and applications. Prerequisites: ECE 350L or ECE 550D. Instructor: Younes. One course.

Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

Textbook and Other Course Material

No textbook is required for this course. All material will be posted on Sakai (DO NOT repost/upload to any site; the material is copyrighted).

Grading Policy


At the end of the course, based of peer voting (students cannot vote for themselves), awards will be distributed to the best research analyst, the best presenter, and the best project.


Students caught violating the Duke Community Standard will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct. Students are encouraged to share ideas, learn from each other, and learn from online sources, but cheating is not tolerated. Any borrowed design/code/etc. — if allowed to be borrowed — should be properly cited.

Summary of Important Dates

Detailed Schedule

Week Date Topic Due
1 8/28 Syllabus
1 8/30 Intro + My Research
Presenter: Rabih
Presentation topic preferences sorted from most to least preferred
2 9/4 Overview
Presenters: David and Rabih
2 9/6 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project proposal (teams of 3)
3 9/11 HCI/UCD
Presenters: Xiong and Jasmine
3 9/13 NO CLASS: Hurricane Project weekly progress report
4 9/18 Challenges and Constraints
Presenter: Rabih
4 9/20 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project weekly progress report
5 9/25 Wearable Input/Output Technologies
Presenters: Jasmine and David
5 9/27 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project weekly progress report
6 10/2 Prototyping
Presenter: Rabih
6 10/4 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project weekly progress report
7 10/9 NO CLASS: Fall Break
7 10/11 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project weekly progress report
8 10/16 Context Awareness I (Activity Recognition)
Presenters: Ankita and Rabih
8 10/18 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project weekly progress report
9 10/23 Smartphones
Presenters: Ang and Xiong
9 10/25 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project weekly progress report
10 10/30 Context Awareness II (Emotion/Affect Recognition)
Presenters: Ankita and Rabih
10 11/1 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project weekly progress report
11 11/6 Wearables and Social Issues (including security)
Presenters: John and Ang (security)
11 11/8 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Project weekly progress report
12 11/13 Guest Lecture by Christopher Koszarsky
Director of Engineering, Garmin
12 11/15 Wearables fun facts / recent news
Project discussion
Research paper topic discussion/approval
Project weekly progress report
Research paper title and brief description
13 11/20 NO CLASS
13 11/22 NO CLASS: Thanksgiving
14 11/27 Wearables in Gaming and Entertainment
Presenter: John
14 11/29 Presentations and demos Project presentation and demo
15 12/4 NO CLASS Project report
16 12/15 NO FINAL EXAM Research paper

This semester's award winners