ECE/COMPSCI 350L: Digital Systems — Fall 2018

Class meeting time and location: TTh 10:05–11:20, Gross Hall 103

Lab meeting time and location: T 3:05–6:05, W 1:25–4:25, W 4:40–7:40, Th 11:45–2:45, Th 3:05–6:05, F 10:05–1:05, Hudson Hall 202A


Instructor: Dr. Rabih Younes
Duke e-mail: rabih.younes
Office: Hudson Hall 204
Office phone: 660-5051
Office hours: TTh 1:30–2:45, or by appointment

Head TA (course and labs): Kyle Finke (
Head Course TA: Liz Pharis (
Course TAs: Nathaniel Brooke (, Natalie Huffman (, and Michael Scruggs (
Lab TAs: TAs office hours: M 6–8, T 6–8, W 6–8, and Th 4–8 — Hudson Hall 202A

Course Description

Design and implementation of combinational and sequential digital systems with special attention to digital computers. The use of computer-aided design tools, hardware description languages, and programmable logic chips to facilitate larger and higher performance designs will be stressed. Laboratory exercises and group design projects will reinforce the various design techniques discussed in class. Prerequisite: Electrical and Computer Engineering 250D. Instructor: Younes. One course.

Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

Textbook and Other Course Material

No textbook is required for this course. All material will be posted on Sakai (DO NOT repost/upload to any site; the material is copyrighted). I will always try to have slides posted before class time so that you can take notes on them if you would like to.

Grading Policy

Notes on using git, LaTeX, and Github: Install Altera's Quartus and use it for labs and assignments.
Extremely important advice: Start as early as you can! Leave ample time for testing!


Students caught violating the Duke Community Standard will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct. Students are encouraged to share ideas, learn from each other, and learn from online sources, but cheating is not tolerated. Any borrowed design/code/etc. — if allowed to be borrowed — should be properly cited. Note that programming submissions will be compared to one another using Stanford's Measure of Software Similarity (MOSS) to detect signs of plagiarism (includes previous semesters' code).

Summary of Important Dates

Detailed Schedule

Week Date Topic Quiz Homework Project Lab
1 8/28 Syllabus, Intro, Boolean Alg. Lab 1 - Intro
1 8/30 Boolean Alg.
2 9/4 Logic Blocks 1 1 due Lab 2 - Regfile
2 9/6 CAD & Verilog, Register Lab 1 Report Due
3 9/11 Signed Arithmetic 2 2 due PC 1 (regfile) due Lab 3 - RCA
3 9/13 NO CLASS: Hurricane Lab 2 No Report
4 9/18 Fast Adders & ALU, Multipliers Lab 4 - Comparators
4 9/20 Booth's Algorithm, Division 3 3 due PC 2 (alu) due Lab 3 Report Due
5 9/25 Memory Elements 4 Lab 5 - Memory
5 9/27 Memory Elements 4 due Lab 4 Report Due
6 10/2 Pipelining: Intro, Hazards 5 Lab 6 - VGA and PS2
6 10/4 Pipelining 5 due PC 3 (multdiv) due Lab 5 Report Due
7 10/9 NO CLASS: Fall Break No lab
7 10/11 Review Session 1 6 6 due
8 10/16 Exam 1 (weeks 1–6) Lab 7 - Audio
8 10/18 Factorization Lab 6 Report Due
9 10/23 Factorization, Quine-McCluskey Lab 8 - ADC
9 10/25 FSM 7 7 due Lab 7 Report Due
10 10/30 FSM PC 4 (proc) due / defense Catch up
10 11/1 FSM, Async. Design 8 due PC 5 (proposal) due
11 11/6 Async. Design 8 Lab 9 - Project
11 11/8 Async. Design, CMOS Design 9 due PC 6 (check in) due Lab 8 Report Due
12 11/13 CMOS Design, Defect Tolerance 9 Lab 10 - FSMs
12 11/15 Defect Tolerance, Testing 10 due PC 7 (check in) due
13 11/20 NO CLASS (go through the "Gate Arrays" lecture) Lab 10 Report Due
13 11/22 NO CLASS: Thanksgiving
14 11/27 Review Session 2 10 11 due PC 8 (check in) due Project Work
14 11/29 Exam 2 (weeks 8–12)
15 12/6 Project demos PC 9 (demo) due Project Work
15 12/7 Project demos PC 10 (report) due
16 12/14 NO FINAL EXAM