Class Location and Hours
Class meets on TuTh 1:25–2:40pm in LSRC B101.
Recitations are held on Fridays (
11 sections).
The objective of this course is to learn how computers work, focusing on how the computer hardware executes
the software.
The course focuses on: instruction sets, assembly language programming, basic digital logic design,
processor design, memory system design, and input/output.
Prerequisite: CompSci 201.
Instructor, Teaching Assistants, and Answering Questions
This is a very large class, which means that students should
contact other sources of information before, if necessary, contacting the
*The first option for finding help is this website.
*Then check the course's Canvas announcements.
*The third option for finding help is the Ed Discussion forum.
Questions there may get answered by a TA, a fellow classmate, or the professor.
*Please contact the professor only for those issues that cannot be handled by
anyone else.
TAs (
see office hours):
- Amir Ergashev (Head TA)
- Fletch Rydell (Head TA)
- Ananya Bhatia (Head TA)
- Aayush Kashyap
- Arnav Jindal
- Beth Lindenbaum
- Broden Murray
- Bo Chi
- Caroline Zhang
- Carson Brantley
- Diya Jain
- Esther Cheng
- Eva Aggarwal
- Evan Katz
- Hung Le
- Ishani Raha
- Ismael Diaz
- Marie Lowry
- Milena Prakapenka
- Nathanael Ren
- Paul Hletko
- Peter Crowley
- Wanghley Soares Martins
- William Harris
- Yuxuan (Alice) Chen
- Zachary Charlick
- Sanya Srivastava (Grad TA)
If you need to contact the professor, please email him or come to his office hours:
Dr. Rabih
Duke e-mail: rabih.younes
Office hour Zoom appointments are available through a link provided on our Canvas homepage.
Textbook and Other Course Material
Textbook not required, but highly recommended; all needed material will be posted on
Textbook: David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy.
Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface,
edition, Morgan-Kaufmann.
Please do not get the "ARM" edition or
"RISC-V" edition or the "Revised Printing" -- for some
reason, the publisher has created several flavors of this book.
Duke Libraries have copies of this book available.
Grading Policy
Grade distrubution:
- Homework (45%).
- Midterm 1 (15%).
- Midterm 2 (15%).
- Final Exam (25%).
Late policy:
- 0-24 hours late: Take earned score and multiply by 0.9
- 24-48 hours late: Take earned score and multiply by 0.8
- >48 hours late: NO CREDIT
- Refer to Homework #1 for details, particularly with respect to
handling short-term incapacitation with automatic 48-hour extensions on homeworks.
- NO exceptions, NO extensions (except in case of dean's excuse)
Regrading policy: Regrade requests must be submitted no later than 5 days after the
assignment grade is released.
You must attend all exams (except in case of dean's excuse or sickness with STINF). There are no make-up
exams except in these situations.
Start assignments EARLY so that you don't get stuck at the end!
Grading schema (minimum %):
- 97: A+
- 93: A
- 90: A-
- 87: B+
- 83: B
- 80: B-
- 77: C+
- 73: C
- 70: C-
- 0: F
I will not tolerate academically dishonest work. This includes cheating on the homework and exams.
I will refer all suspected cases of cheating to Duke's Office of Student Conduct.
Refer to Homework #1, the
Duke Community
Standard, and the instructor if you have any questions about misconduct.
Tentative Schedule
Week |
Tue |
Thu |
Fri - Recitation |
Mon 1/6 |
Intro/Overview |
Using unix machine // HW1 (RULES) DUE
Mon 1/13 |
C prog |
C prog |
intro to writing C prog // HW2 (UNIX) DUE
Mon 1/20 |
C prog |
from C to binary |
C prog: pointers and mem |
Mon 1/27 |
from C to binary |
assembly // HW3 (C) DUE
asm prog: examples/SPIM |
Mon 2/3 |
assembly |
assembly |
asm prog: calling conventions |
Mon 2/10 |
combo logic |
combo logic |
review for midterm #1
Mon 2/17 |
MIDTERM #1 [beg-assembly]
seq logic |
digital design & logisim // HW4 (ASM) DUE
Mon 2/24 |
seq logic |
cpu |
logisim for large projects |
Mon 3/3 |
cpu |
mem hierarchies // HW5 (LOGIC) DUE
advanced logisim |
Mon 3/10 |
NO CLASS (Spring Recess) |
NO CLASS (Spring Recess) |
Mon 3/17 |
caches |
caches |
review for midterm #2
Mon 3/24 |
MIDTERM #2 [logic+cpu]
vmem |
cache/vmem examples |
Mon 3/31 |
vmem |
i/o // HW6 (CPU) DUE
cache/vmem examples |
Mon 4/7 |
i/o |
pipelines |
pipeline examples |
Mon 4/14 |
pipelines |
Guest Lecture |
review for final // HW7 (CACHESIM) DUE
Mon 4/21 |
review for final
Mon 4/28 |